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HAPPY THANKSGIVING & SAFE TRAVELS! Lots Going On @ Sanctuary In December!

By November 23, 2011Family, Outreach, Worship
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Local Outreach Opportunities
Christmas Giving Tree – Help us support our two ministry partners as well as our very own congregation by proving Christmas gifts to those in need. The Christmas Tree in the back of the auditorium will have tags attached  with specific Christmas needs that you can you can take home with you.  Please pick one off the tree and sign your name and email on the sheet provided on the table. Stockings are being collected by Sunday Dec. 11, while all other needs have until Sunday Dec. 17.
Operation Christmas Child– It’s the time of year when we can bless others through Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoe box collection. Still one more opportunity to drop off a shoebox in the church lobby on Sunday November 27th. Thank you so much!

Life Groups and Adult Classes
Currently, there are around 18 small groups that are meeting or are in the process of forming. Some of these groups were together before Sanctuary began and some are just now getting established. However, there are still a number of people who have expressed interest in being part of a life group but currently are not in one. One of our top priorities is identifying additional individuals who can shepherd these people. We are praying that God will raise up several more servant-leaders so that, one day, everyone at Sanctuary will be connected to a life group. We are planning to formally kick-off life groups after the first of the year.

Also, starting in January, we are planning to offer some spiritual formation classes for adults on Sunday mornings. These classes will be strategically designed to supplement life groups,  equip leaders, teach disciples, and introduce newcomers and new believers to Sanctuary. More information about these classes will be coming soon.

PLEASE NOTE FOR YOUR CALENDARS – Holiday Gatherings at Sanctuary
Christmas Eve Gatherings: 3:00pm, 4:30 pm, & 6:00 pm (Children’s ministry provided for birth through kindergarten during each gathering)
Christmas Day: No gathering at Sanctuary. Celebrate the birth of our Savior with your family and friends!
New Years Day: One gathering at 11:30 am

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