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January 17, 2020: A Beginning | Genesis 4

Read Genesis 4. As you read, consider what this text says about the character of God, what it says about the nature of God, and what it says about the love of God. 

The first two thirds of the text recount the story of Cain and his family. What speaks most personally to you in this section of the narrative? 

Why does God respond so favorably to Abel’s offering? Why does he reject Cain’s offering? 

What’s the ultimate consequence of Cain’s sin? 

How do you see God as the Divine Initiator in moving toward Cain, even after Cain has killed Abel? How have you seen God come to you even after you’ve sinned against Him? 

Read Genesis 4.9. The word “keeper” can also be translated as “guardian.” Keeper, implies someone who keeps watch, someone who waits for, someone who treasures, someone who restrains, someone who celebrates.

Who treasures you, who restrains you, who celebrates you? Who do you treasure, restrain, celebrate? Describe a season where you didn’t celebrate another, or a season where you weren’t celebrated? What was the outcome of that season? 

How might you grow in a current relationship to become a more trusted “keeper”?

Read the last portion of the text, Genesis 4.17-26. What do you learn about the spread of sin from the fall through Cain and his descendants? 

What similarities do you see between Genesis 4 and January 2021? 

What happens to a society that serves itself rather than trusting God for His will to be done on earth as in heaven? 

How have you experienced the pain of unforgiveness? 

Where do you sense a need to forgive yourself? To forgive another? 

How do you see God continuing to move in the birthing of Seth, and then Enosh? 

It’s here in this text where we find the first recorded season of prayer. At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD. For whom, for what, are you currently “calling on the name of the LORD”? 

The message on Sunday concluded with communion and the invitation to pray for unity. Spend some time praying for unity, unity between you and God, between family members, members of our Faith Family, our neighborhood and nation.