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January 24, 2021: A Blessing | Ephesians 3, Phil. 1, Colossians 1

What speaks to you most personally today in the Lord’s Prayer? 

How impactful is it for you to have someone pray for you? 

Choose a few of Paul’s “pastoral prayers” and receive them as being prayed for you. 

  • Romans 1.8-12
  • 1 Corinthians 1.4
  • 2 Corinthians 1.3-4
  • Ephesians 1.3, 15-19
  • Ephesians 3.14-21
  • Philippians 1.3-5, 8-11
  • Colossians 1.3-4
  • Colossians 1.9-21
  • Colossians 4.12
  • 1 Thessalonians 1.2-3
  • 2 Thessalonians 1.3-4
  • 2 Timothy 1.3
  • Philemon 1.4-6

Read Philippians 1.3-6. What does Paul celebrate about the church in Philippi? What brings him joy? What part do you play in the partnership in the ministry of the Gospel at Sanctuary? How does verse 6 particularly encourage you? 

Read Philippians 1.9-11 as a prayer. Allow it to minister to you. 

What is the role of God in prayer, and what is your role? 

What does Paul pray for here that ministers most personally to you? To what in the prayer do you say, “Amen”?

What does it mean for His love to abound in you? Be specific. 

What’s the difference between “abiding in His work” and “abounding in His love”?

Describe a time when you were tempted by the seductiveness of self-righteousness. 

Read Ephesians 3.17-21. Allow it to minister to you. 

What, if any, does Paul prayer posture mean to you? 

What does humility in prayer sound like to you? 

Where do you sense the need for faith to arise in your life? 

Take a few moments and describe the depths of God’s love for you. 

What’s the difference in knowing love, and the knowledge about love? 

Read Acts 22. How does Paul’s testimony speak to you? Where have you been zealous without empathy or compassion? What was the outcome of that season? 

Read John 16.1-4. What does Jesus mean here? What does this mean today? 

Pray Ephesians 3.17-21 again. Receive this prayer as a prayer over you. Take a few moments and pray this prayer over your family and friends. Take a few moments and text this prayer to a friend, or to someone in our Faith Family. Rest in its truth.