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January 3, 2021 – Imageo Dei

By January 3, 2021Uncategorized

Read the Creation Narrative in Genesis 1. Allow God’s Word to speak to you. What does this beginning tell you about God’s character? What does it tell you about His nature? What does it tell you about His love? 

Note the days of forming, and the days of filling.

Read Genesis 1.26-28 again and answer the following questions. What’s the primary difference between human beings and all other created beings? What difference does it make to you to know you were created in the image of God? How do you envision the Trinitarian nature of God in humankind? What does it mean that you, humankind, are “blessed”? What does it mean to “rule over”? 

Reflect and respond to the following quote from A.W. Tozer: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”  The Knowledge of the Holy. 

When you think about God, what do you think about? 

Read Jeremiah 1.1-10. What stands out to you in this text? 

Read Psalm 139. What speaks to you most personally in this Psalm? How does being “fearfully and wonderfully made” speak to you? 

When God thinks about you, what does He think about? When you think about you, what do you think about? 

Read Colossians 1.15-20. What encouragement do you find in the theology of these words? What is the practical implication of these words for you today? 

Read Matthew 21.12-17 and answer the following questions.

  • What caused Jesus to be so indignant?
  • How did He display righteous anger?
  • Why were the blind and lame so drawn to Jesus?
  • Why did little children praise Him?

How have you seen the Church, and Church people try to fashion God into their own image? How do you resist the temptation of doing the same? 

What does God think about when He thinks about people different than you, and what do you think about when you think about people who are different than you?

How have you experienced the “we can live without you” mentality? Who can you not live without? 

Read 2 Corinthians 3.18. In these last few months, how do you sense you are being transformed? Where do you desire God’s transforming work to continue in your life? 

Give Him praise for His love for you, and for His world.