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“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19:14

TESTIMONY: (Written by Brooks Beber)

Since the 3rd grade classroom where I first understood that I was a sinner, I have seen and felt the approachability of Jesus welcoming me. Throughout my story this has changed and evolved, but His welcoming grace has always been the same. If others knew all that I did, they would have turned me away, but Jesus’ words were always, “Come to me.”

 Jesus welcomed me as a child, but getting older is when things get complicated. As much as I would like to have stayed a child sitting on Jesus’ lap, life got real and challenges came. His invitation was always available, but my pride and shame have been really good at hindering me from realizing or taking hold of that. More than anything, growing up and falling into my own sinful habits has shown me the approachability of Jesus. When I am apologizing for the thousandth time, captive to shame and regret, and questioning how far His grace can go – that is where my faith in His approachability is challenged. The lies feed my actions, as they often do. The same voice told me, “How could you fail Him again? . . . There is no way He’ll love you anymore . . . He won’t accept your apology . . . You gotta make up for it before you can come to Him.” I wish I could say I never believed any of those lies.

Finally, His voice spoke louder than the lies, and I actually listened. He welcomes me! His amazing grace cancels my amazing debt. The cross means that the Holy King of Kings welcomes me. There is now no condemnation. I can now approach God’s throne of grace boldly and confidently. Every accusation against me is silenced at the cross. In His freedom I am free! His invitation doesn’t change based on what I do. His invitation always extends because of what He did. His grace allows me to return as a child to the arms of the Father.


  1. How has Jesus welcomed you as a child?
  2. What part of this testimony resonates with you and why?
  3. Who could you share your testimony with on how you have encountered the welcoming grace of Jesus?


Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol Him, all you peoples.
For great is His love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117:1-2

Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

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