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A PRAYER FOR GRACE by Morgan Nichols Harper & All Sons & Daughters

If I could make just one request
That would mark all the days I have left
I’d rather not be known for treasures and fame
Or trophies and accolades I know will fade

Instead I would rather be known
By the kindness and love that I show
To be known for patience and long suffering
A giver of life by the words that I speak

So with every breath you give to breathe
I pray it’s your glory that they see
And of all the words this world could say
May they say I am full of grace

I’ll be the first to confess
I’m not always found at my best
But Lord be my strength in those moments I’m weak
And I’ll keep on giving the grace I’ve received

And finally when I see Your face
And I’ve reached the end of my race
I don’t want to be known for finishing strong
But as someone that Your grace carried all along


  1. What words or phrases resonate with you in these lyrics?
  2. How are you receiving the grace Christ has given you?
  3. How are you giving the grace to others that Christ has given you?


Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

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