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“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” Matthew 26:39

REFLECTION: (written by Matt Hambrick)

The verse before this says that Jesus was “overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38). Deep inside me, there is an understanding that this battle was faced in human form, with human weakness. But do I truly understand? Is it possible that Jesus, in the garden, felt the same stab of fear that I feel when things are unknown? In the moment of crisis, could it have been as hard for Him to submit as it is for me? Was He as scared as I am? Was He as weak as I feel right now? That just doesn’t seem possible.

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” Hebrews 4:15

We have a lot of knowledge as Christians. Craig talks about the difference between knowledge and knowing. The ‘knowledge’ that Jesus can empathize with us and has been tempted in every way is an important part of our theology. However, the ‘knowing’ of that just might transform us. Think back to a time when you were overwhelmed, tempted to shrink back in fear, give in, disengage, lash out, quit, or just cry. If you would, close your eyes right now and imagine if at that moment Jesus was there with open arms to hug you, words of understanding to speak to you, and love uncontaminated by condemnation just for you. What difference would that make?


  1. As you imagine Jesus with open arms toward you, what are you sensing by the nearness of His presence?


Lord, we read your word. For some of us, we read it over and over. We have heard it all our lives. Yet there is a difference between having knowledge of it and knowing it. We can’t move from one to another with only our own efforts or strength. We need your Spirit to take us there. Please Lord, send your Spirit into us and open our hearts to You. Heal our weakness, our guilt, our fear. Help us to know that You love us. Let us learn that you understand us, you empathize with us . . . not bringing guilt and condemnation, but love and freedom. Oh Lord that we could experience that freedom! Free us for joyful obedience. Please, Lord! Amen


Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

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