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March 14, 2021: Practiced | Mark 1

By March 14, 2021March 15th, 2021Prayer- A Holy Conversation

Read Mark 1. What speaks to you most personally in this first chapter? What does this text say about the nature of God? What does it say about the character of God? What does it say about the love of God? 

In the last few weeks, how have you grown in your understanding and desire to pray? 

Reread Mark 1.29-39. What draws you to Jesus in this portion of the text? 

What drew people to Jesus in the text? Why were people coming to Him? How would you characterize those seeking Jesus? 

In reading these verses and reflecting on the text, where do you find yourself? Do you relate most to Jesus and His need to be in a solitary place? Do you relate most to the disciples, “Everyone is looking for you?” Do you relate most to the sick who are being healed of all kinds of diseases? 

Verse 35 highlights a practice of Jesus that would be His norm: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place where he prayed.” Why was this rhythm important to Jesus? Why would Jesus need to pray or want to pray? What do you think Jesus prayed on this day in His solitary place? 

Do you have a solitary place? What’s your primary purpose for entering into that space? Do you invite anyone to join you there, or to pray for the things you pray for when you are in your solitary place? 

Simon Peter and the disciples go looking for Jesus as “Everyone is looking for you?” Why was Simon Peter looking for Him? What did Simon Peter want from Him? Why was “everyone” looking for Jesus? What did they want from Him? 

How active are you in your pursuit of Jesus? How do you sense His current pursuit of you? 

The verses that follow describe Jesus not returning to Simon Peter’s house, but going “somewhere else…so I can preach there also.” What happened in the solitary place to cause Jesus to go in a different direction? 

How have you been redirected, comforted, and blessed in your solitary place? 

What message did Jesus want to “preach” in the nearby villages? 

Read Hebrews 4.14-16. What does this text tell you about Jesus? What does it tell you about His character? What does it tell you about His love? 

What does it look like for you to “approach the throne of grace with confidence”? 

How do you sense you are in a time of need? Where in your life do you desire a deeper sense of grace and mercy? How do you long for Jesus to touch you as He did those who “gathered at the door”? 

Spend a few moments resting, listening, receiving, and praising.