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March 28, 2021: A Submission – Garden of Gethsemane | Matthew 26

Read all of Matthew 26. What speaks most personally to you in the text? How does the text invite you to view this Passion week with more clarity and intimacy as you walk through these days?

Consider the account in the Garden of Gethsemane. What happens right before this account, and what follows?

Note that Jesus brings His disciples with Him to the Garden, and invites a few disciples to come further in with HIm. Why does He invite them? How does this example encourage you to invite others to pray for you?

How does Jesus describe the condition of His soul? Notice that Jesus shares the condition of His soul with His friends.  Use three words to describe the condition of your soul. Who around you knows the current condition of your soul?

Jesus goes into the Garden on His own to pray. What is Jesus praying about?

Read Isaiah 53.4-5. How do you see this prophecy play out in the Garden, and then at the cross?

Jesus prays for “this cup to pass.” Read Jeremiah 25. In your own words, summarize the “cup.”

What does it mean to you that Jesus would take on the full extent of God’s wrath so you wouldn’t have to experience it?

Read Luke 4.1-13. In what ways was Jesus tempted? How was Jesus able to resist temptation? What parallels if any do you see in the wilderness temptation and in what Jesus was wrestling within the Garden?

Read Hebrews 5.7-8. How did Jesus learn obedience? How is suffering producing obedience in you? How is it not?

The scene ends with Jesus moving confidently toward His friend who is betraying Him. Deeper still, Jesus is moving with courage toward the cross. What does this say about the nature of Jesus? What does it say about His character? What does this say to you about the love of Jesus?

How might this story encourage you to live this Passion Week afresh and aware of His extravagant love for you?

Take a few moments to rest in His prevailing love.