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May 16, 2021: 1 Samuel 21, Matthew 12:1-7

Read Matthew 12.1-7. What does this text say about the nature of God? What does it say about the character of God? What does it say about the love of God? 

In the text, what is the primary problem of the Pharisees? 

In your own words, define “fundamentalism” and “legalism.” 

What’s at the root of the Pharisees fundamentalism? 

Read and reflect on the comments of J.D. Walt: “One of the deadly hallmarks of religious fundamentalism (Christian, Islamic or otherwise) is legalism. It breeds a type of hypocrisy that easily morphs into oppression and abuse. It’s all wrapped up in external image management and it wreaks of self-righteousness. It’s an outside-in control movement. Jesus came to do the complete opposite. He came to bring the fulfillment of the law from the inside out. Jesus is not about making people more religious but making them more truly human.”

Jesus quotes Hosea 6.6. Read Hosea chapter 6. Why does Jesus pull out this one particular phrase? 

What does “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” mean to Jesus?

How would the Pharisees respond to such a quotation from Scripture?

Read Matthew 9.9-13. Jesus says, “But go learn what this means: I desire mercy not sacrifice.” Where would the Pharisees learn such a lesson? Where have you most profoundly learned God’s desire for mercy and not sacrifice? How are you becoming a person who extends mercy? 

The essence of legalism might be defined in the belief that if we act in a certain way, then God will respond accordingly. How is this belief dangerous? Describe a time when you believed “If you did ________ then God would _________. ” What was the outcome of that season? How do you approach God differently today? 

Read Hosea 11.8-9, Jeremiah 31.20, and Mark 9.35-36. What do these passages say about the character of God? What do they say about the nature of God? What do they say about the love of God? How do they inspire you to come to God just as you are, right where you are? 

Jesus references the story of David in 1 Samuel 21. Read the story in context: 1 Samuel 21.6. Was it right for David to eat the bread? What is right for the priest to give David the bread? What is Jesus saying by quoting this story? 

Read Matthew 12.3-6. What is Jesus saying in His response? 

Where in your life does Jesus desire mercy and not sacrifice? 

Read Matthew 5.1-12. Be reminded of the nature and character of His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.