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May 30, 2021: Your Super Power | Ephesians 1.15-23

Read Acts 17 & 18 to understand some of the background of the church in Ephesus. What sticks out to you?

In Ephesians chapter 1, Paul moves from praise (v. 3-14) to petition (v. 15-23). In your life, how have these postures helped give you a spiritual equilibrium? What happens when they are not in balance?

We have 4 prison prayers from Paul (Eph. 1:15-23, 3:14-21, Phil. 1:9-11, Col. 1:9-12) and there is a theme: Paul does not ask God to give them what they do not have, but instead, he prays that God would reveal to them what they already have. How could this truth help shape your prayers?

Paul prays that believers may grow in their knowledge of God through the eyes of their heart being enlightened. What does this tell us about the source of our spiritual growth?

When it comes to eyesight, trying harder never allows anyone to see better. The only way for our eyes to be “enlightened” is for them to be assisted (i.e. glasses/contacts). Do you find yourself more often straining harder on your own, or asking for more help from God in your relationship with Jesus?

Paul prays specifically that we would be able to “see/understand” three things: 1) The hope of our calling, 2) the riches of our inheritance, and 3) the greatest of God’s power. Which one of these do you desire to grow in?

Grasping the beauty of our calling connects to God’s faithfulness in the past, while remembering our inheritance in eternity anchors us to the promised future.  It is our understanding of God’s power that frees us to live confidently today.  If you were to describe God’s power, what would you point to? Why does Paul highlight the resurrection?

Do you regularly pray for eyes to see and comprehend the incredible reality that Jesus called YOU?

How do the current struggles in life cause you to lose sight of the inheritance that awaits you?

Why do we so easily forget the power available to us through Christ and try to live under our own strength?

What would it look like to experience more of God’s power at work in your life this week? Spend some time praying that God would enlighten your eyes to better grasp the hope of your calling, the riches of your inheritance, and the incredible power of your great God.

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