1. Read Romans 8.31-39. What does this text say about God’s character? How does this text speak to His love for His world, and His people? What in this text speaks most personally to you?
2. Read Acts 1.1-8. How do you see God at work in His disciples? In your own words define the “power” of the Holy Spirit. In what ways is the Spirit empowering you today? Where do you long for His power to be exhibited in our world, and in your world?
3. What is God forming at Pentecost? How is our church a part of how God continues to manifest His love today?
4. In Romans 8.31 Paul asks the question, “What shall we say in response to these things?” After reading what you’ve read so far in this study, how do you respond to Paul’s question? What do you say?
5. As you consider God’s work in your life “What do you say in response to all these things?
6. On Sunday we sang the hymn, “How Great Thou Art.” What song or Scripture best expresses your response to all He has done for you?
7. The question was asked on Sunday, “What are you afraid of?” How did you respond?
8. Read Psalm 27.1 How does this Psalm align with Romans 8.31-39? How do these passages bring you a sense of peace and rest to the places that can causes anxiousness, anxiety or fear?
9. Read Acts 2.42-47 and Acts 4.32-35. How do you see the supernatural love of God at work in the first church? How do you see the supernatural love of God at work in our church?
10. In Romans 8.36 Paul quotes Psalm 44.22. Read Psalm 44. Why would Paul quote this Psalm?
11. Paul knows something about suffering. He knows the church will suffer, he knows God’s people will suffer. What encouragement does God’s Word give here to those who suffer?
12. Read 2 Corinthians 11.21-28. How does Paul suffer? Who suffers alongside Paul? Who suffers alongside you? With whom do you suffer?
13. How does Romans 8.37-39 give you confidence in the midst of suffering, accusations, trails, hardships, and trouble?
14. How do you see God’s love at work in these last verses of Romans 8?
15. What do you say in response to all these things?
Take a few moments giving God praise for all He has done, but more importantly simply for who He is.