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July 3, 2022: 1 Peter 4

1.When was a time when life has gone differently than you expected or wanted? How has that season impacted your relationship with God?

2. Why do you think that Peter talked about the reality of suffering, but not how to avoid it?

3. What does it look like for you to arm your mind with the same way of thinking as Jesus?

4. Have you ever been maligned because you chose to live differently because of Jesus? How does 1 Peter 2:11 encourage you in these spaces?

5. What does 1 Peter 4:7 say about what must be true of believers as the end of all things comes near? Why do you think Peter puts such an emphasis on our ability to be prayerful here?

6. Peter challenges us to not forget three things: to arm your mind, remember the just judge, and to check the clock. Which of these reminders is especially helpful for you today?

7. In light of the end of all things, Peter gives some simple and practical direction on how to live in verses 8-11. How does this simplicity challenge today? 

8. 1 Peter 4:12-18, reminds us that all suffering is normal and is a chance to bring glory to God. How does this reminder encourage you today?

9. In regard to the suffering that we experience and witness in our world, how does the following quote from Tim Keller encourage you?

“If we ask…Why does God allow evil and suffering to continue? And we look at the cross of Jesus, we still do not know what the answer is. However, we know what the answer isn’t. It can’t be that he doesn’t love us.” Tim Keller – Reason for God

10. How is God inviting you to entrust your soul to a faithful Creator today?

11. How is God encouraging you to “do good” this week as you follow and trust him?

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