Read 2 Peter 1.
1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?
2. What does it say about God’s nature?
3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?
4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you?
Reflect on the verses at the beginning of the text, verses 1-2 and answer the following questions:
5. Why does Peter include his credentials?
6. How “precious” is your faith?
7. Where are you currently experiencing grace and peace in abundance?
8. Where are you extending grace and peace to someone else?
Reflect on the (mind blowing) verses 3-4 and answer the following questions:
9. What does it mean to receive His “divine nature”?
10. How do these verses compliment Psalm 23.1?
11. When are you most tempted to believe you are lacking, or are not complete, or don’t have everything you need?
12. Read Ephesians 1.18-23. What’s the essence of these verses?
13. How is His power displayed in your ordinary, everyday life?
14. What are some of your favorite promises of Jesus?
15. How have you experienced the reality of His promises?
16. Where are you waiting for His promises to be revealed?
Reflect on verse 5-11 and answer the following questions:
17. What is Peter advocating for here?
18. Where are you currently learning to “live into” the divine nature that has been given to you?
19. How can those around you join you in that journey?
Reflect on verse 17-18 and answer the following questions:
20. Why is it this phrase Peter repeats to the churches?
21. How does his testimony encourage you?
22. What does it look like for you to rest in your belovedness?
23. What passages bring you comfort during anxious times or times of need?
Spend time standing in God’s presence on behalf of our neighbors and neighborhood.