Read Hebrews 10.
1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?
2. What does it say about God’s nature?
3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?
4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you?
Read Hebrews 10.1-13 and answer the following questions:
5. How are you growing in your understanding of Jesus as our Great High Priest?
6. How does your growing understanding of the full measure of His sacrifice bring you to deeper level of devotion?
Read Hebrews 10.14 and answer the following questions:
7. In your own words describe the lived reality of this verse.
8. What causes you to disbelieve the truth of this verse?
9. You are at once perfect and growing in holiness. How do you sense you are growing in holiness?
Read Hebrews 10.15-18, Romans 8.1-2, 1 Samuel 15.22, Psalm 51.16-17, Hosea 6.6 and answer the following questions:
10. What does God desire for you? What does He desire from you?
11. How does the Holy Spirit testify to you? What was His last word of testimony to you? How does the Spirit encourage you, animate you, motivate you, empower you?
Read Hebrews 10.19-25 and answer the following questions:
12. Describe the urgency in these verses.
13. Who spurs you on to love and good deeds?
14. What’s your primary motive in “meeting together?”
15. What’s the outcome of a life that “forsakes” meeting together?
16. How aware are you of, “The Day approaching?” How does it motivate you?
Reflect and respond to the statement from Sunday’s message:
In my whole life, I’ve never met a mature Jesus follower who had a deep relationship with God and an understanding of His Word who didn’t regularly attend and engage in church.
17. Why is it important to you to continue to “meet together.”
18. How do you sense God calling you deeper still when we are not meeting together?
19. How is God using your communal life and your private life together to shape and form your heart?
Give Him praise for His indescribable love.