Read Hebrews 13.
1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?
2. What does it say about God’s nature?
3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?
4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you?
Read Hebrews 13.11-14 and answer the following questions:
5. What is the overall significance of this section of Scripture?
6. What’s the invitation you hear in this section of Scripture?
7. How does this text affirm the death of Jesus as atonement for sin?
Read Exodus 33.7-11 and answer the following questions:
8. What’s the historical significance of this text for the first readers of the letter to the Hebrews?
9. What’s the purpose for the “tent of meeting?”
10. How does the example of Moses impact those around him?
11. Where is your “tent of meeting?” How often do you enter it? Describe the nature of your meeting.
12. What’s the difference in meeting with Jesus in church, or small group, or one-on-one?
Read John 15.1-15 and answer the following questions:
13. How does these words of Jesus encourage you?
14. Where do you find yourself in this text?
15. How do would you characterize your “friendship” with Jesus?
How do you go to Him, outside the camp? Describe.
16. What might life look like if you were willing to go to Him, outside the camp?
17. Whom might you find with Jesus outside the camp?
Read and reflect on Hebrews 13.15-16.
Bring Him the sacrifice of praise for His prevailing love