This new sermon series is entitled the Voice of God. In this study we’ll be examining different ways in which God speaks to His world. Before beginning this study, pause and listen for His voice to guide you as you move through this sacred space in His Word.
Read Genesis 1-3.
1. What does this text say about God’s character?
2. What does it tell you of the nature of God?
3. How do you see God’s love prevailing?
4. How does the text speak most personally to you?
Our friends at the Bible project say most people read the Bible in one of three ways:
The Bible as a Theology Dictionary – like we read the Bible to give us precise definitions about theological issues to help us shape our view of reality – what is true about the world.
The Bible as a sort of Moral Handbook – the Bible gives clear rules from God about how to live – the Bible tell us how to be in right relationship with God and others.
The Bible as a Devotional Grab Bag – the Bible exists to find personal inspiration so I can sort of pick and choose what I want to read or know.
5. How would you characterize the way you read the Bible?
6. Why does the way you read the Bible matter?
Read and reflect on the comments of Eugene Peterson.
Spiritual theology, using Scripture as text, does not present us with a moral code and tell us ‘Live up to this’; nor does it set out a system of doctrine and say, ‘Think like this and you will live well.’ The biblical way is to tell a story and in telling, invite: ‘Live into this—this is what it looks like to be human in this God-made and God-ruled world.’” Eugene Peterson, Eat This Book
Read Genesis 3.1-4 and answer the following questions:
8. How does the serpent tempt Adam and Eve?
9. What’s the core temptation?
10. How do you sense the evil one tempting you not to trust God, or causing you to doubt God’s trust of you?
Read Genesis 3.9-12, incarnationally, allowing God’s voice to speak to you, allow these questions to be asked of you, right now.
11. Where are you?
12. Who told you that you were naked?
13. What have you done?
14. In His love and mercy God removes Adam and Eve from the Garden. He protects them from eating from the Tree of Life. What are the implications of God’s actions?
15. Where do you see the redeeming love of God at work in chapter 3?
Read Revelation 22 and answer the following questions:
16. How does the ending of God’s Great Love Story give you hope?
17. What role does the tree of life play in God’s Great Love Story?
18. How are you moving toward the Tree of Life today? Where do you desire the healing salve of its leaves?
19. How are you currently experiencing the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Spend a few moments listening again for His voice. Allow your voice to proclaim praise for His goodness and grace.