This sermon series is entitled the Voice of God. In this study we’ll be examining different ways in which God speaks to His world. Before beginning this study, pause and listen for His voice to guide you as you move through this sacred space in His Word.
Read Matthew 13.44-46 and answer the following questions:
1. What does this text say about God’s character?
2. What does it tell you of the nature of God?
3. How do you see God’s love prevailing?
4. Do you believe and live into the truth of being God’s treasure?
5. How does your life reflect His truth?
Read Luke 3.15-22 and answer the following questions:
6. What portion of this text speaks most personally to you?
7. What is the theological and relational significance of this text?
8. How does hearing the voice of God shape the life and love, the identity of Jesus?
9. Jesus hasn’t done anything significant, yet God comes Him beloved. Why?
10. What can you glean from this scene in what heaven believes about you?
Read Isaiah 43.1-5 and answer the following questions:
11. Where do you see yourself seen, named, and known in this text?
12. What’s your greatest fear in allowing God’s Word to speak directly to you?
13. What would change in you if you freely and fully accepted the gift of grace and become the beloved?
14. How does His view of Scripture encourage you?
Read Luke 9.28-31 & Matthew 17.4-8
15. What is the primary significance of what is transpiring on the Mount of Transfiguration?
16. Why do Moses and Elijah appear? What do they each represent?
17. In this scene we again hear God’s voice. Why would God speak this same blessing over Jesus?
Read 2 Peter 1.16-18 and answer the following questions:
18. How has Peter’s life been impacted by what he experienced while being with Jesus?
19. Do you consider yourself the beloved one of Jesus? What’s the greatest hinderance in fully living into this truth?
Rest and receive the blessing of Jesus: You are my beloved, with you I am well pleased.