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February 12, 2023 | To The Church

By February 12, 2023Voice of God

John the apostle is in exile on the isle of Patmos for teaching the way of Jesus. The year is around 96 A.D. He is the only living apostle. The book of the Revelation is a difficult book to understand in many ways due to it being mostly prophetic in nature. The book claims to be an apocalypse or Revelation and should be treated as such. It is the unveiling of the Glorified Jesus Christ, and a prophecy of what is to come. The book is being written to 7 churches in Asia Minor modern day Turkey but it also has application to the church today and to us the called out ones. 

There are a number of themes that emerge: End of time, tribulation, rapture, Marriage supper of the Lamb, New Heaven and New Earth. A significant theme we don’t often think about is worship. John is in a place of worship when he hears God’s voice and Jesus begins this revelation.  You’ll see throughout the book references to the throne of heaven and what will take place. 

Jesus has a message to the churches and continues to speak to His church. We want to see and hear God speaking  to the seven churches and to us.

Read Revelation Chapters 1-3

What exhortation is repeated for each church? (Hint: 7 times in Rev. chapters 2 and 3)

God’s voice to the church: This speaks to Jesus’ power and presence, His omnipotence and omnipresence

Authority of The One Who is speaking.  How is Jesus referred to in each of these verses?

  1. Ephesus- Revelation 2:1
  2. Smyrna- Revelation 2:8
  3. Pergamum- Revelation 2:12
  4. Thyatira- Revelation 2:18
  5. Sardis- Revelation 3:1
  6. Philadelphia- Revelation 3:7
  7. Laodicea- Revelation 3:14

Admonition  (counsel or warning against a fault or oversight) Jesus is  admonishing each church individually but also as a community. Jesus will say 8 times to the churches “I Know.” Jesus is omniscient and knows all and is fully aware of everything going on within the church, “the good, the bad, the ugly!”

As you read the following admonitions to these churches, do you see relevance in the church today? If so, what is relevant?

What can we discover about what pleases or displeases Jesus in His church listed in Rev. 2 and 3?

Application – “He who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” There are roughly 54 times in scripture where this or something similar is used. It is a common idiom used in the Bible. Ezekiel and Isaiah both used the term. Jesus used it in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) especially in reference to parables. It always involves a deeper understanding, reflection and action.

Repent is in the imperative tense; it’s an urgent appeal for instant change of attitude and conduct.

Compared to these 7 churches, how do you think Jesus would see the spiritual condition of His church today?

Are you hearing the voice of God speak to you about your spiritual condition?  If so, what action do you need to take?

Conclusion – He wants each church and each of us to know Him more fully.

Read  Romans 8:31-39 (v. 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. . . .)

In light of this study, what prayer topic can you find for yourself, your neighbors, your nation, and the nations?

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