Today is the last study in this series, the Voice of God. In this study we’ve been examining different ways in which God speaks to His world. Before beginning this study, pause and listen for His voice to guide you as you move through this sacred space in His Word.
How would you characterize the voice of God in your life? In what ways do you hear Him differently, or more clearly? Is there a sense that God seems silent? If so, why might that be?
Read Colossians 1.15-20 and answer the following questions:
1.How does this passage affirm the Divinity of Christ?
2. Of the characteristics named, which do speaks most personally to you?
Read 1 Corinthians 12 and answer the following questions:
3. In your own words define a spiritual gift? What gift has God given you? How do you offer His gift in ministry to others?
4. The text says, “You are the Body of Christ.” How do you operate within His Body, in His world?
5. How do you sense God speaking to you, and through you in your neighborhood and the nations?
Read Ephesians 1 incarnationally personalizing the text as we did on Sunday, then answer the following questions:
6. How do these truths strengthen you?
7. Which of these truths might God want you to hear afresh and anew?
8. What is the difference between being in the world for Christ, and being in Christ for the sake of the world? Explain.
9. Where in the neighborhood and in the nations might God be calling you to speak life?
10. For whom is God calling you to lift your voice in intercession?
Spend a few moments listening again for His voice. Allow your voice to proclaim praise for His goodness and grace.