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May 9, 2021: 2 Samuel 6:1–22

By May 9, 2021May 12th, 2021Gospel According to David

Read 2 Samuel 6:1-13. How do you feel about the way that God dealt with Uzzah? Was it fair punishment?  Why or why not.

After this happened, we see that David was “afraid of God”. LisAnne talks about several passages of Scripture that refer to “fearing God”, what does a healthy fear of God look like?  Why is this necessary for us in our relationship with Christ?

Have you ever experienced these 4 results of a healthy fear of God? Share a time when this was true.

  • Humility
  • Repentance
  • Holiness
  • Joyful worship

Read 2 Samuel 6: 14-20. We see in these passages, that David seems to have a freedom from man.  How do you see that in this passage?  Where is His focus centered?

Where in your life do you get tangled in the perception of others opinions around you? Why do these opinions trap you?

Katelyn encourages us to ask the question “Who are you taking your questions to?” So who is it for you?

Read 2 Samuel 6:21-22. What does this passage mean? And how does this passage speak to you?

Charles Spurgeon says “Fear hath paralyzed the arm of the most gigantic Christian, stopped him in his race, and impeded him in his labors. Faith can do anything, but fear, sinful fear, can do just nothing at all, but even prevent faith from performing its labors.” Is there anything in your life right now that you feel God is calling you to, but fear has you at a standstill?