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More & More: Week Eleven, Day Five

Our devotion this week, Satan’s Go-To Temptation Against You, was written by J.D. Greear can be found online here.

Take Your Identity into War

Satan’s first temptation toward you will be to get you to base your identity on something about you. Anything about you. How you live. How well-liked you are. How many people come to your church. How much more successful you’ve been than others in similar circumstances. He wants to distract you from the gospel message that in Christ we have the final approval of the only one whose opinion really matters.

We defeat Satan by clinging to that gospel, defiantly, flinging it back in Satan’s face. 

Remember that these are your words to declare in the face of the enemy: If I am a child of God? I am a coheir with Christ, chosen in him from the foundation of the world. Seated with him in the heavenly places. In him, all the promises of God for me are yes in Christ Jesus. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.