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More & More: Week Fourteen, Day One

Our devotion this week comes from the YouVersion Bible App. It was written and provided by Elevation Church. We’ll spend some time this week in a few songs written by Elevation, and looking at the Scripture background of these songs.

Won’t Stop Now

Take a moment and look up Won’t Stop Now by Elevation Worship on iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube. Listen the whole way through, and then continue reading below.

Your presence is an open door, so come now, Lord, like never before.”

Why don’t we always feel God’s presence? If God’s presence is really an open door, why does the door sometimes feel like it’s been shut? 

There are a lot of reasons God could feel far away, but none of those reasons is because God has pulled away from us. 

God’s love for us is unchanging, unending, and unconditional. No matter what we do, He will always love us. Still, we can’t expect God to come into our lives uninvited. He’s not going to overwhelm us with His presence if we haven’t asked for it. 

The Bible says to,

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 

God wants participation, not passivity. He isn’t going to knock on the door and drag us through it. His presence is an open door, but it’s up to us to step through it.