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More & More: Week Fourteen, Day Four

Our devotion this week comes from the YouVersion Bible App. It was written and provided by Elevation Church. We’ll spend some time this week in a few songs written by Elevation, and looking at the Scripture background of these songs.

God of the Promise

Take a moment and look up God of the Promise by Elevation Worship on iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube. Listen the whole way through, and then continue reading below.

“Light of the World, trample the darkness. Nothing can stop it; You are the God of the promise.” 

We’ve all made empty promises. Despite our best efforts, we’re still human. And as humans, there are times when things are simply out of our control. 

Thankfully, this never happens with God. Since the beginning of time, He’s not just been a God who makes promises. He’s a God who keeps them. It’s who He is. What He speaks, happens. 

Even before the beginning of time, He spoke into the nothingness, and time, space, and matter were brought into existence. He called forth light, and it broke out of the darkness. He breathed into the dust of the earth, and brought forth new life. 

And His promise keeping doesn’t stop with creation. God has continued making and keeping promises. 

God promised Abraham he would be the father of many nations — and it happened.
God promised David he would one day be king of Israel — and he was.
God promised that one day a King of Kings would be born in Bethlehem — and Jesus’ birth fulfilled that promise and over 350 other promises made about Him. 

Today, God continues to make promises to His people, and every promise that’s been made by God is “yes” in Christ. 

But just because God makes and keeps His promises doesn’t mean we will always experience their fullness in our lives. In order to inherit the promises of God, we have a responsibility to exercise our faith. 

Even when our circumstances say otherwise. Even when our situations seem out of control. Even when our disbelief seems firmer than our faith, we must choose faith. 

Nothing can stop it. He is the God of the promise. 

Read 2 Corinthians 1:20.

20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.