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October 17, 2021: Lost and Found | Luke 15

By October 17, 2021October 18th, 2021Stories Worth Living

In your own words, what does it mean to “repent”? What is the difference between “changing your mind (your way of thinking)” versus “changing your behavior”? 

In your own words, what is “the Gospel”? Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Read Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, and 10:9. Read John 3:16. Have you confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord? Do you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead? Take a few minutes to talk to God about the Gospel. If you are willing, affirm (or re-affirm) to Him what you believe in your heart. 

Read Luke 15:11-17. Where do you find yourself in this story? e.g., do you resonate with the younger brother, the older brother, the father, or somewhere in between? Explain.

Why do you think the father lets the younger son leave in the beginning of the story? Why do you think the father ran towards his younger son “while he was still a far way off” and before he even knew what he was going to say? 

“The father went out and pleaded with him (the older son)”. I love how the father also pursues the older son. In your own words, what message do you think Jesus is “pleading” to the Pharisees and teachers of the Law?