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October 31, 2021: Spiritual Hardness | Luke 16.19-31

By October 31, 2021November 2nd, 2021Stories Worth Living

Do you think the rich man’s fate was fair? Why or why not?

Do you think “The Parable of the Man Who Never Noticed” is a better title than “The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus”?

To what extent do you truly see and respond to the needs of those people God has put in at your gate? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the many requests for help you receive?

Have you hardened your heart to some of the foundational things Jesus taught (specifically the idea of God’s judgment and hell) because our culture disagrees with them?

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of God’s judgment, what do you do with the fact that Jesus regularly and voluntarily returned to that subject?

Are you willing to ask God to show you other possible areas of spiritual hardness in your life?  What are some steps you can take to soften your heart?

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