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February 25, 2024

How was God speaking to you this morning?
How are you encouraged by His Word?

READ Mark 2:13-17

Misunderstanding 1: Who Jesus Came For

READ Mark 2:17. What was Jesus wanting the Pharisees to hear when He said this?

How did the Pharisees misunderstand who Jesus was and who He came for?

Do you see the challenge…the conviction…and the encouragement in this passage? The challenge is to love others like Jesus loved them…the conviction is to not view yourself as better than others…the encouragement is that Jesus came for you and me.

READ Mark 2:18-22

Misunderstanding 2: What Jesus Came to Do

The Wedding Feast: What was Jesus trying to communicate to Johns disciples and the Pharisees in this example? Jesus came to bring joy not sadness, which was the demeanor for most when fasting.

How was fasting in Scripture connected to the presence of God? And why did Jesus’ disciples not need to fast? Think about the purpose of fasting before Christ came and the purpose of fasting for us now.

The Fabric and Fermentation: What was Jesus trying to communicate to Johns disciples and the Pharisees in this example? Jesus came to introduce something new, not patch the old

Take some time to talk about this quote…How does this connect to the clarification of His coming?
The great, central, decisive act of salvation for us today is past, not future. And on the basis of that past work of the Bridegroom, nothing can ever be the same again. The wine is new. The blood is shed. The Lamb is slain. The punishment of our sin is executed. Death is defeated. The Bridegroom is risen. The Spirit is sent. The wine is new. And the old fasting mindset is simply not adequate. John Piper

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