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Do you have a favorite memory or funny story from a time on a lake?
Have you ever been afraid when you have been on the water?

On Sunday we said that this text is about fear and faith.
When was the last time you felt afraid?
What was your response in the face of fear?
What role did faith play in your battle with fear?
Whose idea was it to get in the boat? Where were they going?
How do these facts encourage us today when we may find ourselves in the middle of

Jesus asked many of the disciples to do what they were experts in by taking Him in the boat, but their place of expertise quickly became a place of fear.
Have you ever felt out of control in a space where you thought you had it under control?

The disciples wake up Jesus with the question, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”
When in your story have you found yourself wondering if Jesus cared about your struggles and hardships?

In His sleeping, we see the humanity of Jesus, and when he commands the storm to be still we see the divinity of Jesus. How does this encourage you in your faith/trust in Jesus?

Read Hebrews 3:12–14 and discuss why faith is such a big deal to Jesus.
What are the dangers of unbelief?

We should be encouraged in this story by remembering that our faith in Jesus is anchored in His Presence and His Promise.
How have you experienced God’s presence and His promises in your life?

It appears Mark is described this story in such a way that we would see connections to the story of Jonah.
Read Matthew 12:38-42 and discuss what Jesus meant by, “Something greater than Jonah is here.”
We started by asking, “Is Jesus the model of our faith OR the object of our faith?”
How does it encourage you to see in our text that Jesus is the model of our faith AND
the object of our faith?

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