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How was God speaking to you Sunday morning?

How are you encouraged by His Word?
How should 1 John 4:4 change us? “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

READ Mark 5:1-20 This morning, we talked about the 3 moments of pleading.

What do these moments show us? Our Lord – Our Response – Our Mission

In vs. 10, we see the pleading and the response of the demons. What do you notice in vs. 6-10?

Does it surprise you that the enemy responds to Jesus like this?

Personal Question: Is He Lord of your life?

Does He have the authority in your life that He does toward the enemy?

In vs. 17, we see the pleading of the people. Why do you think they asked Jesus to leave?

Personal Question: Can you accept His ways?

Why is it so hard for us to get on board with His plans?

In vs. 18, we see the pleading of the healed man to Jesus. Why do you think he wanted to go with Jesus?

And why did Jesus deny his request?

Personal Question: Do you understand your mission?

Where has God placed you to tell the story of your salvation?

What other questions do you have about this account of Jesus’ authority over darkness?

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