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Is there anything that you have thought would be fun to do or try, but you deemed it “impossible?”
Read Mark 5:21-43
How do you see power in the “Unhurried Compassion” of Jesus in this text?
Why do you find yourself in a hurry?
How does it encourage you to remember that Jesus is never in a hurry?
How does this frustrate you at times?
Discuss the four groups of people in this story:

Disciples They rebuke Jesus for asking who touched him
Jairus Stressing out at this delay because his daughter is dying
Crowd They are oblivious to a miracle that has just occurred
The woman Suddenly healed, she has two choices: run or come
Which group do you relate to today?
How do you see the “Unlimited Peace” of Jesus in this text?
What has kept you from experiencing peace this week?
Why do you think Jesus chose to speak to the woman instead of just letting her disappear in the crowd?
Jesus used miracles to lead to meetings because he wanted people to know Him. How have you been blessed by knowing Jesus?
After hearing that his daughter has died, Jesus tells Jairus to “Do not fear, only believe.”
What do you think Jairus is fearing at this point?
What do you think he is believing?
How do you see the “Unstoppable Authority” of Jesus in this text?
Jesus is rebuked and laughed at in this passage. What can we learn from His response?
Why do you think Jesus refers to the little girl as asleep?
For the first time, we see Jesus demonstrate power over death, what does this mean regarding the burdens and struggles in our life today?
More often than not, our lives are marked by:
Unhurried Compassion / Unlimited Peace / Unstoppable Authority
How can a deeper understanding of the power of Jesus change our perspective?
Read Romans 8:11 and discuss how the truth about the power of Jesus should impact our lives today.

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