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Reap What You Sow | Galatians 6 | 2 Corinthians 9

By September 9, 2018March 12th, 2019Sowing for a Great Awakening

1. As you begin this study, pray the prayer of awakening. “May it begin in me. Right here, Jesus. Right now, Jesus.”

2. Read Galatians 6 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this text?

3. Do a quick overview of Galatia and the church of Galatia. Note when the church started, what it is known for, any primary challenges or strengths mentioned within the body. Also note why Paul wrote the letter, when and from where was it written.

4. Reflect and respond to our working definition for transformation: “A process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others.”

5. Where are you experiencing transformation? How is your transformation ‘for the sake of others’? Describe.

6. Reread verses 1-2. What’s the Biblical implication for us today, here and now? How do these verses get lived out in your life today?

7. Verse 4 mentions “comparison.” How were the Galatians comparing themselves to each other?

8. Tim Keller says the entire book of Proverbs can be summed up in verses 7-8. Is this an overstatement or absolute reality?

9. Describe a time in the last month where Galatians 6.7-8 played out. What were the consequences or implications of your sowing?

10. Dallas Willard said, “Every single case. The failure to attain a deeply satisfying life always has the effect of making sin look good.” Give an example from Scripture of how this statement is proved true.

11. What are the two primary ways you sow to the Spirit?

12. When/where/how are you most tempted to sow to the flesh?

13. How are you growing in your trust of our Faith Family when you are tempted to sow to the flesh?
Be specific.

14. Some writers believe that this portion of Galatians 6 deals primarily with church finances. Read verse 6 & 10.

15. Read 2 Corinthians 9.6-8. Where do you find yourself in these verses? What does “reap generously” actually mean in your life? What’s your greatest struggle in giving cheerfully? What is the ‘blessing’ that is promised in verse 8?

16. Reread verse 12-14. What are the inherent dangers Paul describes here?

17. Read and reflect on the writings of A.W. Pink. He wrote, “The greatest mistake made by people is hoping to discover in themselves that which is to be found in Christ alone.”

18. The question was asked on Sunday, “Are we being in the world for God or are we being in God for the world?” What’s the difference? Isn’t this just semantics?

19. When have you ever said, or were motivated by the idea “I’m doing it all for God…”

20. It was said on Sunday that “The darkest of sin is boasting in the religious false self.” Is that true? If so, note how you have experienced this truth?

21. Review 1 John 4.17; Philippians 2.3-5; Philippians 2.17, 2 Timothy 4.6; Colossians 3.1-4. Using the tex,t what does it actually look like to be in God for the world? Describe.

22. Reread Galatians 6.15-18. What is Paul imploring?

23. Tim Keller writes, “The gospel changes what I fundamentally boast in – it changes the whole basis for my identity. Therefore, nothing in the whole world has any power over me – I am free at last to enjoy the world, for I do not need the world. I feel neither inferior to anyone nor superior to anyone, and I am being made all over into someone and something entirely new.”

24. When and how do you “boast” in Christ? How do you resist the temptation of boasting on what you are doing, vs. what Christ is doing in you and through you?

25. Will Willimon said, “Unable to preach Christ and him crucified, we preach humanity and it improved.” How have you seen this as truth in our world? How have you contributed to this kind of preaching or boasting? How is God leading you to a new truth of His Gospel?

26. J.D. Was writes, “Awakenings happen in eras when those of us who look out on the desperate need of our time finally realize the desperate need in ourselves. Awakening must begin with us. No, awakening must begin with me.” As you prepare to close this study, review the Sower’s Creed and spend a few minutes praying, “May it begin in me. Right here, Jesus. Right now, Jesus.”


I sow for a great awakening.

I stake everything on the promise of the Word of God.
I depend exclusively on the power of the Holy Spirit.
I have the same mind in me that was in Christ Jesus.
Because Jesus is good news and Jesus is in me,
I am good news.

I will sow the extravagance of the Gospel
everywhere I go and into everyone I meet.

I will love others as Jesus has loved me.

I will remember that the tiniest seeds become the tallest trees;
that the seeds of today become the shade of tomorrow;
that the faith of right now becomes
the future of the everlasting kingdom.

I sow for a great awakening.