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Sanctuary COVID-19/Corona Virus Update

By March 13, 2020Uncategorized

Hello Faith Family,

It has been a crazy week with all that is going on in our world, and your inbox has likely been flooded by countless emails about COVID-19/Corona virus. In the midst of all the questions and concerns, we would like to remind each other of two truths we find in Scripture that should guide our response to questions and concerns being raised.

1) We will not be motivated by fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” We can feel afraid, but God has commanded us not to live in fear. We can trust our God who is greater than any fear we can ever face.

2) We will love others first. Living without fear cannot be used as a license to be reckless. Philippians 2:4 challenges us to “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” The reality is that the Coronavirus is resulting in our lives being disrupted, but choosing to make sacrifices to help limit the spread of the virus is a practical way that we can love others. May we be found faithful in “loving our neighbor as ourselves” by how we respond to precautions that are encouraged.

In order to protect our Faith Family, and with a desire to honor our leaders who are working hard to limit the spread of COVID-19, we are taking the following steps as a church:

  • For the next two Sundays, we invite you to join us online for a special time of worship and teaching.  A video will be posted Sunday morning that you can watch at any time as we gather remotely to worship and learn together. You will be able to access these videos here each Sunday. 
  • Sanctuary’s campus will be closed next week and we will not be holding any of our regularly scheduled activities.
  • As we learn more, we will evaluate week-to-week on what the plan will be for the following week.
  • We invite our Faith Family to pray for protection for those who have been exposed to COVID-19/Coronavirus, and that ultimately God would be glorified through these times.

In the midst of this uncertainty, God is still sovereign and our trust rests on him. We desire to make wise decisions in how best to honor those in authority over us, and be a beacon of hope in the midst of fear and worry.


Matt Morgan

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” – Isaiah 26:3

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