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September 19, 2021: The Good Samaritan | Luke 10.25-37

By September 19, 2021Stories Worth Living

Read Luke 10:25-37.

If you could ask Jesus a question today, what you would ask him?

What does the Old Testament teach us about the way to eternal life?

In Luke 10:29, the lawyer desires to “justify himself.” How have you sought to “justify yourself” before God? What was the reason that you felt this justification was necessary?

Read Romans 8:1-4. How does this encourage you today as you reflect on the justifying work of Jesus?

In Luke 10:28 he says “do this,” and in verse 37 he says “you go, and do likewise.” What is the difference between these two directives that Jesus gives?

What is the difference between how the lawyer views his neighbor and how Jesus invites him to see his neighbor?

The lawyer asks what he must do to inherit eternal life, but Jesus invites us to live in response to the life we have been given through the cross. How does that perspective change how you love today?

The parable of the Good Samaritan invites us to move from obligation/duty to love. What action is God inviting you to take when he says, “You go, and do likewise”?

Pray that God would open your eyes to see how you can put love into action today.