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But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death… Colossians 1:22

We are a week away from celebrating the joy of Easter and our risen Savior! Before we can get to the joy of that morning, we must journey through a week where Jesus suffered more than we can fully grasp to make a way for us to experience reconciliation with God. This week, we will sit in amazing truth found in Colossians 1:21-22, but today, I invite us to look at two people who had very little interaction with Jesus, but whose lives were never the same after Good Friday.

When we read Luke 23:18-27 we see two men who come face to face with Jesus for very different reasons. Judas is imprisoned for insurrection and murder and is likely awaiting his execution. In a desperate attempt to avoid sentencing Jesus to death, Pilot offers to release Jesus in place of Barabbas. The crowd wants nothing of this substitute and demands Barabbas be released and Jesus crucified.

The second man we find in this passage is Simon of Cyrene. Luke tells us that he was coming in from the country, and therefore was not a part of the crowd demanding Jesus’ crucifixion. Suddenly, Simon is seized by the Roman soldiers and forced to carry the cross of this bloodied man who was unable to bear the weight himself. Simon follows Jesus as he staggers on his journey to Calvary carrying his cross.

The Bible gives us very few additional details about each of these men, but their lives must have been changed that day. Can you imagine what Barabbas must have been thinking as he stood in the streets of Jerusalem a free man that day? Did Jesus and Barabbas lock eyes? What questions must Simon of Cyrene have had as he watched Jesus being crucified on the cross that he had carried? What did he do with the blood of Jesus that must have been transferred from the cross he carried to his clothes?

As we step into Holy Week, I want to invite us into the physical reality of Christ’s death. Colossians 1:22 says that we have been reconciled “by Christ’s physical body through death.” Barabbas and Simon of Cyrene would testify to the physical reality of Jesus’ death as incredibly real. Easter is not just a good story, it is a physical reality that changed eternity because God in the flesh died for you and me.    


1. How do you think Barabbas and Simon of Cyrene were changed because of their brief interactions with Jesus?

2. Reflect on how is your life different today because of Jesus.

3. Consider using the EasterNow app this week to follow the events of Jesus’ last week as we prepare to celebrate Easter.

Pray through the truth of Jesus’ physical suffering for us found in Isaiah 53:5-6

But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and with his wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
    we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

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