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Sunday, May 31 Discussion Questions: Pentecost and Acts 1-2

By May 31, 2020Here & Now

Read Acts 1-2. What’s the most inspiring section of the text? What’s most confusing? What brings you hope?

What three things were accomplished at Pentecost?

What’s the historical significance of Pentecost? What’s the primary spiritual significance of Pentecost to you?

Where and how does the text show the love of God for all people?

Describe the difference of the Peter we read about in Acts 2 from the Peter we read about in John 21?

Nine times Peter’s message in Acts 2 references the resurrection. Note each passage here.

Where do you see unity and oneness in this text? Note each passage here.

In your own words, define conviction. Describe the last time you felt conviction from the Holy Spirit. How did conviction motivate you to change your beliefs?

How does the Spirit of God motivate you and animate you and empower you in this season of isolation? Where do you need the promised Presence of the Holy Spirit to bring change to your beliefs?

In your own words, define repentance. Describe the last time you truly repented. What was the outcome?

Read Acts 2.42-47. What characterized the first church? What excites you most about life in the first church? Why?

What excites you most about our church? How might that dynamic be growing in you during our time apart?

Has the Holy Spirit lost His power? How is He at work in you today?

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