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Tables Cafe

By December 7, 2011Uncategorized

As we continue to transform and enhance our facilities, we are excited to share with you that Tables Café is open at Sanctuary (located down the hall on the right side of the building).

Please join us at Tables Cafe as we begin our focus on “Ethiopia” Sunday, January 15.  Enjoy a cup of Ethiopian coffee and meet folks from Sanctuary who have traveled to Ethiopia to support children there.  Learn about the people, the culture and about some of the gracious work that God is doing in that part of His world!

Tables Café is designed to be a gathering place to:

  • Create and nurture authentic relationships
  • Tell our stories and listen to others
  • Commune with God and with one another

Tables Café will not be a business endeavor.  As with our relationship with God, “nothing will be bought, nothing will be sold . . . all is gift and grace.”  Tables will be a place to meet and exchange.

The plan is to serve coffee with a cause . . . to inform, challenge, expand our vision and horizons, and to gain a greater scope and appreciation of what God is doing around His world.  Each month (or two) will feature a theme.  Themes will be reflected in the coffee, tea, food, décor such as displays, maps, books, e-slide shows, music, art work, etc.  We are now featuring the Dominican Republic and the missionary work Sanctuary has done and is doing there.

The Hospitality Team member overseeing this endeavor is Carol Robinson, who has done an inspirational job of developing the vision and orchestrating the logistics.  If you have questions about Tables Café contact Carol at 404-769-0810 or at or comments about this hospitality endeavor or others, please contact Michael Escoe at 770-656-5600 or at

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