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Week 3

By November 11, 2018November 13th, 2018Generous Orthodoxy

11.11.18 Money (1 Chronicles 29)

1. Read 1 Chronicles 29 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in the story? How do you see this text as livable reality?
2. In what ways do you see God as your Provider? In what ways do you feel like you have to provide?
3. Read Malachi 3:10. How were the Israelites “robbing God”? If you are not currently tithing, are you “robbing God?”
4. Describe a Biblical perspective on tithing. Is tithing only an Old Testament teaching? Where in the New Testament do we see the practice of tithing?
5. Using the example of King David in 1 Chronicles 29, differentiate between a tithe and an offering.
6. Is tithing the goal or is transformation the goal? How does giving impact your personal transformation?
7. In the text, King David is advocating for the building of the Temple. Yet, the New Testament teaches us that we are His Temple. Read 1 Corinthians 6.19-20. How does this passage challenge you to view your body – what you see, what you hear, how you care for it, how you give it away, etc.?
8. What’s the absolute principle being taught in 1 Corinthians 6? How have you experienced this truth in the last two weeks?
9. David leads the way in tithes and offerings and the people respond enthusiastically. What’s your greatest hesitation or greatest joy in giving your tithes and offerings? How have you experienced blessing in giving?
10. As you think about this text, describe “generous orthodoxy”. As you think about your own finances, how could you take a step toward “generous orthodoxy?”
11. How are you encouraged by the life change that is happening at Sanctuary? Describe.
12. What’s the significance of these being some of King David’s final public words?
13. How are you responding to the Invitation to Transformation as it relates to the Seed Offering?

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