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September 10, 2023 | Humanity

We’re in a 10-week study of the doctrine of our church. Our study is examining what we believe are the most central and essential doctrines of the Christian faith. In this week of our study we’ll look at the Doctrine of Humanity. Read our doctrine below and answer the questions that follow.

We believe all human beings, born and unborn, have been created by God in His own image, and are of great value and worth beyond our ability to measure.

Why is doctrine important to an individual believer and the community of believers?

As you read the statement on humanity, what resonates most deeply?

Read the following passages of Scripture, Genesis 1.26-27; Psalm 139.13-18; Isaiah 61; Luke 7.36-50 and answer the questions that follow.

As you read the text, what speaks most personally to you?

How do you give value and worth to all human beings? Specifically, how do give value and worth to those who are different than you, believe differently than you, speak differently than you, love differently than you?

How much do you believe you matter to God?

Where do you find yourself in the story of the woman anointing Jesus with her tears?

Read and reflect on Psalm 8.3-6. Give God praise for His love for you and all of humanity.

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