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July 23, 2023 | ZECHARIAH

By July 23, 2023July 25th, 2023Come Back To Me

Our friends from the Bible Project introduce the book of Zechariah this way: 

Almost 70 years after the exile, the Israelites were experiencing hardships and wondered if the prophetic promises of a new Jerusalem would ever be fulfilled. The book of Zechariah answers this question through several dream visions, challenging God’s people  to remain faithful and hope in God’s promises.

These images remind God’s people that they must remain faithful to the covenant if they want the new Jerusalem, messianic Kingdom, and the end of evil to come to pass. Even though the book doesn’t follow a neat, orderly pattern and contains scary and bizarre images, it shows glimpses of God’s hand in guiding history toward his purposes. It’s a message that’s still relevant to us today—we can look above the chaos and hope for God’s Kingdom, which will motivate faithfulness in the present.

For context, click on the link to the Bible Project video and then read the book of Zechariah.

1. After watching the video, and reading the text what do you learn about God’s character?

2. What does it tell you of the nature of God?

3. How do you see God’s love prevailing?

4. How does the text speak most personally to you? 

Zechariah tells the story of the exiles return to Israel, it looks back into Israel’s disobedience which led them into exile and it looks ahead at the coming of the Messiah, and further ahead to the eternal reign of Jesus. The book begins with a call to “Come back to me.” 

Read and reflect on the opening words of Zechariah 1.1-4 and answer the following questions: 

5. What is the heart of God for His people?  

6. How do you sense God calling you, again, to “Come back to me”?

7. How are you responding to His invitation?  

Read and reflect on the words of Zechariah 4.6-10, and answer the following questions: 

8. God gives Zerubabbel and Joshua a clear posture in how they are to rebuild the Temple? How does the truth of vs. 6 differ from the ways of the world? Where in your life do you sense God desires to rebuild, or restore, or renew? How might the Spirit be at work in that specific place right now? How might you follow His Spirit? 

9.Vs. 7 references the power of God to move mountains. Describe a season when you witnessed God moving mountains on your behalf. How specifically did you sense the Spirit at work in you? 

10. Vs. 10, includes this phrase, “Do not despise the day of small things.” Acts 1.8 tell us we will receive “power” when the Holy Spirit comes on us. How do you sense the Spirit’s work in the big things in life, and more importantly, how do you sense His presence in the small things? Consider the life of Jesus. Where do you see Jesus giving special care and attention to “small things.” 

Read and reflect on the words of Zechariah 9.9-12, and answer the following questions: 

11. How might this specific prophecy encourage the Israelites as they return from exile? Where in the Gospels do you see this prophecy fulfilled? How are you encouraged by seeing God’s prophecy fulfilled? 

12. Verse 12 references “prisoners of hope.” What does that mean to you? 

13. Verse 12 also includes a promise for those prisoners of hope, “even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you”.

The message on Sunday closed with Zechariah’s prophecy of the return of Jesus. We’ll include it below. Spend some time reflecting on the promise of that Day. What a day!  

What a Day that will be! No more cold nights—in fact, no more nights! The Day is coming—the timing is God’s—when it will be continuous day. Every evening will be a fresh morning. What a Day that will be! Fresh flowing rivers out of Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea, half to the western sea, flowing year-round, summer and winter! God will be king over all the earth, one God and only one. What a Day that will be!

Zechariah 14.7-9

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