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We believe that everything we have comes from God; we are simply stewards of our resources. We believe that we are called to steward our finances well, and that begins with supporting the ministry of our local church. God gives all of us the great privilege of partnering with Him in what He wants to do in the lives of people in our neighborhood and around the world.

Ways to Give


Use our secure web-portal to give and manage giving history

Or text giving amount to 84321

Cash or Check

Tithes and offerings will be collected at the close of every gathering or you can mail your gift to:
700 Mars Hill Road
Kennesaw, GA 30152

Stock & Other Gifts

Please email upon interest


The Benevolence Fund helps support families and individuals who are facing financial hardship. The desire of this ministry is to connect with people by meeting physical needs and continuing to journey together to meet spiritual needs. All contributions to this fund will be used to provide assistance in accordance with Biblical principles of caring for those who are in need in the church and community. It has always been Sanctuary’s desire to err on the side of generosity in how needs are met. As we continue to assist financially, we will also seek to be proactive in caring for those who are receiving assistance in their time of need.
To give to our Benevolence Fund, please click on “Give Online” above and you will have the opportunity to designate your gift to Benevolence. If you have any further questions about giving or how to designate your gift for this ministry, please contact us at
If you are interested in being a recipient of our Benevolence Ministry, please let us know here.

“But just as you excel in everything –- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)