1. How do you find yourself swinging between generosity and discontentment this Christmas season?
2.Read Jeremiah 33:14-16. How does these verses encourage you today?
3. In what circumstances in your life have you waiting for the “days that are coming” found in Jeremiah 33:14?
4.What is challenging for you as you live in the space of the “already, but not yet” today?
5.How does Jeremiah 33:16 encourage you by reminding you that it is God who saves and provides?
6. Is your life marked by contentment in places where God desires for you to have a holy discontent? How so?
7.How does remembering the bad news of Christmas, help you to marvel at the good news of Christ’s birth?
8. Do you find yourself settling for the facts of Christmas, or letting the earth-shattering reality of the Christmas invasion birth in you a holy discontent that causes you to fall more in love with your Savior?
9. Does your relationship with God resemble a search for the bones of the past, or a longing to understand and know a God who is living today?
10. Reflect on Psalm 63:1-8. How does the longing of the Psalmist encourage and challenge you today?
11. Pray that God would give you a holy discontent this year
- Read Isaiah 40 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this text?
- Read Isaiah 9.1-7 how does this prophetic passage encourage you? How would it have encouraged the people of Israel
- In what ways would the people of Israel have believed they were a “lost cause?”
- The promise of Advent is “from lost cause to new hope.” What resonates most deeply in you when reflecting on this truth?
- In what ways do you speak “comfort” and “tenderness”? When was the last time someone spoke “comfort” to you? What difference did their words make in you and through you?
- Whom in your world needs to hear a comforting message of hope? How might God be calling you to share it?
- In what ways are you “making straight the way of the Lord?”
- Isaiah says, “God’s word endures forever.” What would that phrase mean to the people of Israel? In a world that is constantly changing how do you hold fast to the constant Word of God? How do you see the Word today differently than you did a year ago, five years ago?
- How do you see God at work, today?
- Scripture refers to God as our Shepherd, Jesus our Good Shepherd. How are you currently experiencing His shepherding? How might He be inviting you to shepherd others?