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Blessed are the Meek I Matt 5:5

By Kingdom Manifesto, Uncategorized

1. Read Matthew 5:1-12. What is the purpose of the Beatitudes?
2. Read Luke 6.20-26. Compare the two texts. Note the similarities and differences. Why would they be different? Do differences automatically mean contradiction? Why or why not.
3. How could the Beatitudes affect our world today? How are they beginning to affect your world?
4. Jesus not only talked about the beatitudes, But He also lived them. Take a few moments and reflect on Jesus living out these truths.
• Blessed are the poor. Matthew 8:20, Philippians 2:5–9.
• Blessed are those who hunger and thirst. Matthew 4:4, John 4:13–14, John 4:34.
• Blessed are the pure in heart. Luke 10:38–42, Matthew 26:39.
• Blessed are the merciful. Matthew 18:21–35, 25:31–46, 9:27, John 8:1–11.
• Blessed are the meek. Matthew 11:29, John 13:1–17.
• Blessed are the peacemakers. Matthew 5:23–47, Luke 23:34, John 14:27, Ephesians 2:14.
• Blessed are those who mourn. Luke 19:41, John 11:35.
• Blessed are those who are persecuted. Matthew 27:27–31.
5. In what ways do you see blessedness as a Divine gift as opposed something to be earned, or achieved?
6. In your own words, define “meek”.
7. How does meek fit into the image of God? When have you seen God being meek?
8. When Jesus speaks about the meek, note that He is speaking collectively. It’s a communal meek, not just an individual meek. What’s the implication for us at Sanctuary?
9. How are meekness and humbleness related?
10. What are some examples you’ve expressed of the power of those who are meek?
11. What does it mean for the meek to “inherit the earth”?
12. Read Psalm 37. 1-11. What are the qualities or characteristics of the meek?
13. Of the Bible narratives presented in the message, Moses, David, and Mary, which resonates most deeply with you? Why? How does the Biblical story intersect with your story?
14. Read and reflect on the quote by A.W. Tozer— “The meek [person] is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson, but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God’s estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God declared him to be; but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God, of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything.”
15. How do you see yourself?
16. How does God see you?

Do Not Store Up Treasures on Earth (Matt 6:19-24)

By Hard Sayings of Jesus, Uncategorized

1. Read Matthew 6.19-24 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this text?
2. How important is it to you to know that Jesus teaches us how to really live? Many people in the world believe that Jesus came to teach how to die, and He did, but His desire was for us to really live. How does this text encourage you to really live?
3. What would the people closest to you say you treasure?
4. One sociologist recently characterized our culture this way: “We are the most in debt, obese, addicted and medicated adult cohort in US history…” Do you believe this is statement is true? Why or why not? How might this statement be true of you?
5. Where are you seeking fulfillment and provision from the world rather than God?
6. Read Acts 4.32-37. In what ways does this text encourage you? How does it challenge? Of all the things that are happening in this church, which would be the most challenging for you? Be specific.
7. Read and reflect on the following statements. Note how each encourages you. “Joy means the perfect fulfillment of that for which I was created and regenerated.” Oswald Chambers “Whatever is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality.” Randy Alcorn
8. What is in your “box of treasures”? Why are those items that you particularly treasure?
9. Jesus says that we will be rewarded when we pray. What rewards will there be for those who pray? How have you experienced these rewards in your own life?
10. What does God treasure? What is God’s treasure? In what ways do you sense He treasures you?
11. Read 2 Peter 1.9-10 How do you see these verses as livable reality in our world today?
12. God treasures unity and discipleship, and generosity, and lots of other qualities. What does He not treasure? What breaks His heart?
13. The 20 Something’s said, “We treasure not being a burden to someone else, even when we are burdened, especially in the church.” What’s your first response to that statement. When and how have you held on to false treasures?
14. Read 1 Timothy 6.7-10, 17-19. Note the practical implications of this text.
15. How does God reward those who are generous? Are those who are not generous punished?
16. What’s your greatest struggle in being content?
17. Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” We believe this as Truth. Describe a season where you tried to do both, serve God and money. What was the outcome of that season?
18. Read and reflect on the statement from D.A. Carson. “Attempts at divided loyalty betray, not a partial commitment to discipleship, but a deep-seated commitment to idolatry.”
19. Read Luke 12.16-21. In what ways do you see this as a “Hard Saying of Jesus”.
20. What/who do you treasure? How might you take one step today toward treasuring what God treasures?

Week 6

By Generous Orthodoxy, Uncategorized

1. Read John 3.16. What does this verse mean to you?
2. Do you believe you were created “in love, for love?”
3. How do you see Generous Orthodoxy at work in John 3.16?
4. How do you see Love as Orthodoxy? How does God express His Generosity in Orthodoxy?
5. What’s been the greatest challenge in this Generous Orthodoxy study? What’s been the biggest breakthrough?
6. Read Romans 5.8-11. Where do you see generosity and orthodoxy collide? What does it mean to you that are saved through His life?
7. In your own words describe the “gift” of salvation.
8. In your own words describe reconciliation with God.
9. When you think about eternal life, what do you think about?
10. How does eternal life begin today?
11. Read and reflect on 1 John 3.16. How is God inviting you to lay down your life as He laid down His life? What does that actually look like for you? Explain.
12. How God might be calling you to further lay down your life for others?
13. Today we celebrate by giving and receiving. Describe your journey with giving. Describe your journey with receiving.
14. How are you praying for our Faith Family as we seek to follow Jesus one step at a time?

Week 2

By Generous Orthodoxy, Uncategorized
11.4.18 Preference or Presence
1. Jesus says, “all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.” Do you believe that God has all authority? When have you questioned God’s authority?
2. Why do you think it is important for our generosity flow from our orthodoxy instead of the other way around?
3. How has a greater understanding of who God is grown your gratitude for what He has done and, in turn, resulted in you living more generously?
4. Are you motivated by satisfying your preference or by experiencing God’s presence?
5. Os Guinnes writes, “Our modern world has shifted us from a stance under authority to one of preference. Or, expressed more carefully, our modern world tends to undermine all forms of authority other than its own and replaces them with the sense that all responses are merely a matter of preference.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
6. Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-26. How have you seen differences in the body lead to divisions in the church?
7. How have you seen the differences in the body Christ work together in a beautiful way to give glory to God?
8. 1 Corinthians 13 comes right after Paul talks about the different parts of the body of Christ. Why is love so important in light of the differences highlighted in 1 Corinthians 12?
9. Do you believe in a world of scarcity or a world of abundance? How does your perspective of the world affect your generosity?
10. Which of the three reasons discussed that can keep us from living out generous orthodoxy resonated with you?
1. Seeking Preferences Instead of Presence
2. Causing Division Because of Differences
3. Believing in Scarcity Rather than Abundance
11. Read Ephesians 3:14-21 and reflect on the incredibly abundant generosity of our God.