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Before It Is Finished – Week 4

By March 26, 2017March 5th, 2019Uncategorized


Pain of the Cross / Matthew 27.45-46

The following questions are provided to help you dig in and apply the sermon on Sunday.  You can use these questions in your personal reflections, but we would encourage you to discuss these with other people in your life as you seek to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
  1. As Jesus hangs on the cross, there are 3 hours of darkness (Matthew 27:45-46). What is a time or season of your life that was defined by darkness?
  2. When you hear Jesus’ words, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” what do you feel?
  3. Jesus was not surprised by anything that occurred on the cross. How does this encourage you?
  4. Knowing that Jesus was quoting Psalm 22, what is most powerful about this Psalm for you?
  5. Jesus knows what it feels like to be forsaken by God. How does this comfort you in the times when you feel forsaken as well?
  6. Don Carson says, “The God on whom we rely knows that suffering is all about, not merely in the way that God knows everything, but by experience.” How does encourage you in your suffering?
  7. The horror of the cross shows us the depth of our sin and our overwhelming need for a savior. How does this cause you to worship your Savior more deeply today?
 If you missed Sunday’s sermon, you can watch it online.