For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…Romans 12:4-6(a)
Thank you for considering using your gifts and talents to serve our faith family! It is a beautiful part of God’s plan for His church to serve one another and point each other back to Him…all for His Glory. At Sanctuary, there are many opportunities to engage in the church on a Sunday or during the week as we seek God together. Our church will grow closer to God and closer to each other as each member uses their God given gifts and skills to serve the body.
Throughout scripture, discussion of our spiritual gifts is combined with using them to serve others. Your spiritual gift might be something you’ve enjoyed for as long as you can remember or it may still be a bit of mystery to you. If you are unsure of your spiritual gifts, there are several ways to help uncover your gifts (though there is no guaranteed formula):
- Prayer – take some time to ask the Giver
- Encouragement received from others – sometimes others will see your gift before you see it
- Try New Things – trying new challenges might uncover new joys and new gifts for you
- Spiritual Gifts Test – there are several tests you can take to help you understand some of the options, though these tests are not a final, definitive answer. Here is a link to an on-line spiritual gifts test to help you better understand some options…as always, prayer should be your first option – the Giver will know best!
For more information about each role, click below.

Our hospitality team is often the first point of contact for many as they come to worship at Sanctuary. Our Faith Family may come from week of praise or a week of sorrow or anywhere in between. The welcoming smiles and encouraging words can be the beginning of worship for many. From helping families park and unload to helping the facilities team prepare the sanctuary for worship to ensuring a safe & secure environment, the Hospitality team has MANY roles to consider.
Roles: Welcome Team, Parking Lot Team, Green Room Team, Coffee Café Team, Facilities Team, Security & Emergency Response Team, Midweek Team

In the Great Commission, Jesus says to His followers, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19). Sanctuary is committed to equipping our Faith Family for this service. Whether it is to our neighbors or to the nations around the world, we believe that it is an honor to serve God as He continues to reach the unreached. God will often bless the servant along the way!
Roles: Local Outreach Team; Global Outreach Team

Our care team is here to walk alongside those in our Faith Family (and community) who need confidential prayer or support for the emotional, spiritual, physical and financial needs. These caring ears and mercy filled eyes are critical to serve our church.
Roles: Prayer Team, Stephen Ministry, Meal Team, White Bucket

Our Kids and Youth programs are wonderful opportunities for our Faith Family to show the love of Jesus to kids from infancy to high school. The Sanctuary Kids (SK) roles are much more than childcare, it’s an opportunity to teach, protect, care and show the Gospel to the youngest amongst us. The Sanctuary Youth (SY) roles are opportunities to partner with parents as you walk alongside a student in middle school or high school and teach them biblical truth while allowing them the space to be open, honest and real with you and a group of peers. For SK and SY, there are also many powerful support roles that are critical to spiritual growth of our Faith Family.
SK Roles: Lead/Assistant Teachers; Nursery/Elementary Coaches; Student Leaders; Registration Hosts, Large Group Teachers; Technology Leaders; Midweek Leaders; Weekly Support
SY Roles: Small Group Leaders; Middle School Sunday School Teachers; Trip Leaders; Midweek Team

Events Team
We often host events to edify the body and celebrate what God is doing in our Faith Family. This requires a transformation of the spaces, planning, decoration and serving to serve attendees. Our Event Team is a new team to organize and set the space for our Faith Family.
Roles: Planning; Greeting; Food Preparation; Decoration; Serving Tables; Set Up/Take Down; Childcare; Tech (Audio/Video)