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Living and Loving Like Jesus Together

Sanctuary Group Life desires to see lives transformed by the gospel as we love God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are excited to offer several opportunities for you to connect with others and grow in your relationship with Jesus!

Community Dinner Groups

Gather together once per month for four months to share a meal and become known. This is a great opportunity to love others in a Christ-centered community as you share your story and hear the stories of those around you. (Timing: 4 month commitment; Frequency: monthly; Size: 8+ people; Location: host homes)

Sign up HERE.

Life Groups

Create a time for the study of God’s word AND intentional relationship building. These are longer term groups intended to knock down walls, open hearts, and truly be known by others. The call to love God and love others will flow from this intentional gathering. (Timing: on-going; Frequency: weekly/bi-weekly; Size: 8+ people; Location: host homes or Sanctuary)

Sign up HERE.

PIVOT Young Adult Life Group

Sundays | 6:00pm-8:30pm | Red Rock Community Center

Meet up with other Young Adults (college through 20’s) as they have fun, serve, and grow in Christ together. Pivot meets every other Sunday for Bible study and alternate Sundays for connection time. (Timing: on-going; Frequency: bi-weekly; Location: Red Rock Community Center – 545 Mars Hill Rd)

For more information, text Madison Cetrulo 404.433.2660 or email

Divorce Care

Mondays | August 5 – November 11 | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 106

DivorceCare is a 13-week divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. During each session, the group will watch a video featuring top experts on divorce and recovery. Following the video, participants will spend time discussing the lesson and sharing as a group.

For more information or sign up, go HERE.

Grief Share

Mondays | August 5 – October 28 | 10:00am-12:00pm OR 6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 119

GriefShare is a 13-week grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one. You are encouraged to join us on any week, as the sessions are all self-contained content. We understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. During each session, the group will watch a video featuring top experts on loss, grief, and healing. Following the video, participants will spend time discussing the lesson and sharing as a group.

For more information or sign up, go HERE.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are members of our Faith Family who provide one-on-one confidential care for people in seasons of grief, divorce, loneliness, illness, job loss or other difficult circumstances. Stephen Ministers are equipped to offer consistent presence, prayer and encouragement through these difficult times while holding the relationship with their care receiver in the highest confidentiality.

If you are interested in a Stephen Minister walking alongside you or you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister and have questions, please call/text the church office at 770-884-1963 or email him at

Women’s Groups/Men’s Groups

Bible studies designed grow in relationships with one another and draw you into God’s truth. The power of mentoring & being mentored in these groups leads to transformation and deep relationships that is a beautiful view into God’s plan for His people. (Timing: length varies; Frequency: weekly; Size: 6+ people; Location: host homes or Sanctuary).

For more Information or to sign up, go HERE.

Studies & Classes

Bible studies gather during the week or on Sunday mornings for an in-depth study of God’s word. Knowing the Word leads to transformation in community. Topical Classes will transform everyday life (like marriage) through the lens of the Gospel. These opportunities are offered through-out the year and can be found on the “Opportunities” page on our website. (Timing: length varies; Frequency: weekly; Size: 10+ people; Location: Sanctuary)

For more Information or to sign up, go HERE.