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Before It Is Finished – Week 6

By April 9, 2017March 5th, 2019Uncategorized


Completion of the Cross / John 19.30

The following questions are provided to help you dig in and apply the sermon on Sunday.  You can use these questions in your personal reflections, but we would encourage you to discuss these with other people in your life as you seek to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
  1. The sixth time Jesus spoke from the cross He said, “It is finished.” What is finished?
  2. Briefly describe atonement. What’s the implication of atonement for your life?
  3. What is not finished? How do you reconcile that which is finished with that which we must still face?
  4. What’s one way you can seek to finish this Lenten season well?
  5. Complete the sentence stem: Because “it is finished” I…
 If you missed Sunday’s sermon, you can watch it online.