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What to Expect

We’d like to make it as easy as possible for you to join us on a Sunday morning, and we want to start by helping you know what to expect when you attend services at Sanctuary. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, we would be honored to worship with you this Sunday.

Our services typically last 75 minutes in length and include elements such as teaching, worship, prayer, communion, and more. No two weeks look the same, and we try our best to plan each service according to how the Spirit of God is leading us.



We are committed to Bible-based teaching that is directly in line with what God’s Word says. Teaching at Sanctuary will also be in complete agreement with our Belief Statements, which was developed straight from Scripture.




The goal of our Worship Arts Ministry is to glorify the name of Jesus through corporate worship. Everything that we do in life should be an act of worship; however, the blessings of worshiping together as a body are especially emphasized throughout Scripture.

We believe that everyone is an integral part of “leading worship.”  Through oneness of heart and mind, the gathered body of Christ collectively sets the tone and pace for engaging with the Lord in worship.

We believe that worship is to God and for His glory and that “performances” and emphasizing those individuals leading worship from a stage is not what God has called Sanctuary toward. Worship at Sanctuary is conducted in a round, 360 degree setting that is different from what many people expect from modern worship. This allows our worship team to be among the congregation instead of on a stage facing the congregation as we work toward fulfilling the vision that God has for Worship.



Because we believe that talking about God is always second to talking with God, we spend time in each worship service connecting with the heart of the Father through prayer and meditation. Just like in any healthy relationship, sometimes we speak to Him, other times we listen for His Spirit to lead us. We can talk and teach and sing about God all day long, but we connect most deeply with His heart when we come to the foot of His throne in prayer.



We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week when we worship as a Faith Family. At the end of each gathering, those who have placed their faith in Jesus are invited to remember that Christ’s body was broken and His blood was shed because He loves us.



We view ministry to kids as so much more than childcare for parents while they go to church; Sanctuary Kids is a ministry in itself! We love being a part of what God is doing in the hearts of our children. Check out more information on Sanctuary Kids for children birth – 5th below.




Sanctuary Youth’s purpose is to glorify God by equipping our students to follow Christ and proclaim the Gospel, all the while being transformed by its power to live and love like Jesus among their peers and in the world. Our goal is to create an environment for our students where they feel safe, loved, and respected, but are also held accountable and taught truth. Check out our opportunities for middle and high school students below!