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Stephen Ministry

Confidential Care


  • Stephen Ministers are members of our Faith Family who provide confidential one-on-one care for people in seasons of grief, divorce, loneliness, illness, job loss or other difficult circumstances. They are trustworthy believers who will “be there” for the individuals under their care for as long as there is a need. Stephen Ministers are trained and equipped to offer consistent presence, prayer and encouragement through these difficult times.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


  • As a Stephen Minister, you’ll be equipped on how to provide emotional and spiritual support through Christ-centered training. There is an 18 week training program and once training is complete, you will become available to those desiring to receive a Stephen Minister. Sowing into this ministry becomes life-changing for the minister just as much as the one receiving care. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister or have questions about becoming a Stephen Minister, please text or call Stephen Photianos at 404-375-4893 or email him at
  • If you are ready to become a Stephen Minister, complete the application form below and our ministry leaders will contact you.