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Peru Team Update #2

Dear parents,

Hi everyone! Did you know it’s not easy to sleep with fireworks and marching bands all night? Well we definitely do… at 6am. But that didn’t stop our mission though. We started the day with an amazing breakfast hosted at the hotel, and then broke into groups and spread around the community. Some of us went to the market to spread the love of God to the people here, while others stayed near the church and shared His love there. Another group spent the morning sanding and painting the church that we are working with, and it was obvious to the rest of us who those kids were. After that we had an amazing lunch made by the ladies at the church. Following that, we began our VBS Day 2! It was super exciting to see the joyful kids again with their smiling faces. The theme of today was Daniel and the Lions Den, and we had a skit that was acted out by some of our team (and a couple of the kids here too). They made a craft of a lion mask, which the kids enjoyed thoroughly. After dinner the team headed to downtown Cusco for some good old fashion McDonald’s! We walked around and saw the beautiful sights of the cathedrals, as well as a couple of alpacas. All in all it was an amazing day filled with lots of laughter, love, and great memories. (Oh, and a lot of Jesus too)!

Lots of love to all of you, (especially the mammas that are worrying)

  • Andrew, Lily, Sarah Grace and Savannah