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Peru Team Update #4

Hola from Cusco,

Tonight is going to be a quick update…

We had an amazing day!  We woke and up and prepared for our final day of morning ministries.  We had a team at the orphanage, one at the church, a door to door team and a market team.  God did some amazing things through each of those teams!  The door to door team got to have an in-depth conversation about evolution for about an hour and a half and pray with a college student.  Our Market team got to lead a man to Christ that was very closed off to the gospel.  Our orphanage team got to bless the workers with a cake and spend time with the kids.  And the church team finished all the painting at the the church.

VBS was awesome!  Today was the day that the exhaustion set in, but our team rallied and gave an incredible presentation of the gospel.  So proud of our team!

Then we loaded the bus and headed to downtown to walk around and have dinner at a place called Don Antonio’s.  We had an incredible time as a time sharing a meal and dancing to some Peruvian music.

We have church at 7am...I bet you are thankful that Sanctuary is a little later.  We miss y’all…but we don’t miss the weather!

Keep praying with expectancy!

Troy Gambrell